BBB A+ Rating in USA

Maximum rating BBB A + in the United States and ISO 9001 certification in our management systems
QUSTOM CNC LLC holds the highest possible rating by the BBB rating agency, this prestigious institution in charge of privately mediate between the companies providing goods and services and their customers continuously qualifies companies and is the best thermometer to measure the quality of attention of these. Our A + rating only certifies our commitment to excellence in customer service throughout the United States, which is shortening our mission and values.
Our factory in Hangzhou China QUSTOM CNC TECHNOLOGY CO LTD has the ISO 9001 certification by which it is recorded that its production processes are carried out in compliance with the International Standards for Quality Management, in four processes directly related to manufacturing: Safety and Quality
Obtaining ISO 9001 certification is an achievement that strengthens QUSTOM CNC TECHNOLOGY CO LTD because it makes tangible the commitment of continuous improvement that the board has dictated as one of the fundamental pillars to improve the Customer Service and the quality of our machines, which commits the organization to continuously improve its processes, as well as the training and qualification of the collaborators.